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Monday, 27 June 2016
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Friday, 24 June 2016
Oppseekers.com - Quality Leads at Your Fingertips!
Business Opportunity Leads
OppSeekers Offers Quality MLMLeads...
Over 95,000 Affiliates Can't Be Wrong!
Thanks for stopping by... you'll be glad you did.
Let's face it, everyone in a home business wants high quality mlm leads. What they don't want is the high price normally associated with them. OppSeekers has developed methods to get you the quality business opportunity leads you need at the price you want. By utilizing cutting edge mlm lead generation technology, OppSeekers gathers top quality more efficiently home based business opportunity leads and then passes the savings on to you.
Our No-Bad Lead Policy applies to these opportunity lead types: Survey Fresh 8Q, Phone Verified Fresh, Phone Interviewed Fresh, Female Phone Verified, State Specific 8 Question Survey, Fresh Canadian Only 8Q, and Real Time Short Form Leads.
We strive to verify all of our data and to also ensure your best experience we also offer this lead Replacement policy. If you receive a Disconnected, wrong number or bad email address, we will replace them. Simply complete a support ticket with the leads in question and we will add fresh business opportunity leads to your account.
Join and get business opportunity leads or mlm leads today.
OppSeekers provides you the following:
» Fresh leads / not over sold - If it's over sold, it's as good as old. Our leads are fresh, thus retaining greater marketing potency and bringing you better conversion rates for your dollar.
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» FREE to join Affiliate program that pays up to 55% of each order! - You may choose to get paid in cash or leads by sharing what we offer with others.
Using OppSeekers leads, your business can turn into a
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OppSeekers Powerful Compensation Plan...
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Are All Autoresponder Leads the Same?
Are All Autoresponder Leads the Same?
When choosing what kind of auto responder leads to purchase, keep in mind that the best price is not always the best option. You might pay twice as much or more for one type of lead over another, however if your ad pulls 3 or 4 times better with the more expensive lead it can be well worth the extra cost.
Typically, the cheaper quality the lead is, the less targeted they are and often times the less emails that get through and opened. This is why you have to buy considerably more of the lower quality leads to get the results you are looking for.
There are many schools of thought on what type of auto responder leads works best. Below is a quick overview of the different types available so that you can better gage for yourself what is right for you.
There are basically 3 main Types of Autoresponder Leads:
1) Double-Opt In Autoresponder leads. These are leads that fill out a form requesting information and have received an email to verify that they are indeed interested in learning more about whatever offer they had requested information on. After they have verified their interest, they then become a lead. These leads are typically more expensive because they are pre-screened for email delivery and interest.
2) Tier 1 Opt-In Business Opportunity AutoResponder Leads. These are considered premium autoresponder leads because they are generated on advertising networks that typically attract higher quality traffic and are qualified as business opportunity leads. These leads genuinely Opt-In to receive information about making money with their own business.
3) Tier 2 Bulk AutoResponder Leads. These are generally collected by various methods including free offers (fill out this form to win an IPOD), opt-out (where a person has applied for something or a free offer and there are several boxes that are pre-checked that they would like additional information. Whether they do want more info or if they do not notice the check boxes and uncheck the boxes, they become a lead), and various offers where they are agreeing to receive information from partner sites or other free offers not necessarily targeted to business opportunities.
Though technically these leads are opt-in leads, they are not necessarily targeted for an interest in a home based business. This is one of the most common leads sold as an opt-in auto responder lead because of the inexpensive prices.
Which type of lead is right for you? It really depends on what you are marketing, your budget and what kind of emailing capabilities you have. Test out different types of leads and you will quickly figure out what works best for you.
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Low Cost Leads Equals Duplicatio
Congratulations! You have just signed up your first person into your ground-breaking opportunity!
I'm sure you are familiar with the saying, "Make up in numbers, what you lack in skill!" This is critical for your new members to understand, so they do not get frustrated and give themselves the time necessary to succeed.
It took you a little while to convince him or her that starting a business does actually take them spending a little money. So they sucked it up, balanced their checkbook, and came up with the $25-$100 or more to join your company.
After providing you with a few excuses as to why they didn't want to call their friends and family before they have success first, how easy do you think the next task of telling them they need to spend another $100 - $300 or more for leads will be?
They are out business before they even start!
The best thing you can do for your business, is have some inexpensive lead options available with a low sticker shock so that your new members will take the next crucial action step, exposing people to their business.
Besides the fact that a new person will need time and practice getting comfortable on the phone, you do not have to be calling $4/lead leads to find good people for your business.
I'm sure you are familiar with the saying, "Make up in numbers, what you lack in skill!" This is critical for your new members to understand, so they do not get frustrated and give themselves the time necessary to succeed.
Find a source of leads where you can get a good balance of quality leads for a good price. Leads that are slightly aged are a fantastic way for both the new members and veterans alike to get practice, sort through larger amounts of prospects and to find those superstars hidden in each lead batch.
When your new member is trained properly and has a few hundred calls under his or her belt, then start mixing in the more costly leads.
Do not forget, as your new member gets better on the phone, their leads will magically get better, regardless of the age or quality of the lead.
Please use this above link when referring others to Oppseekers. All referrals must go through this link so we may properly credit my account.

Is an Exclusive Lead truly an Exclusive Lead?
Does an Exclusive Lead mean that you are truly the only person receiving that lead?
The hopeful answer is: Sometimes!
The reality is: Probably Not.
The reality is: Probably Not.
Let's take a look at the many definitions or common categories that an Exclusive Lead can fall into:
Often times "Exclusive" means that you are only person in your particular company to receive that lead, but you still share the lead with several other people from competing companies.
Other times "Exclusive" means that your leads are exclusive for a short amount of time such as 3-7 days. After this timeframe, the Leads are sold several more times, often averaging 5-7 times.
Is it wrong for companies to do this? Absolutely not! Unless of course you are willing to spend 3 or 4 times the cost of the lead to truly get the exclusive rights to it. By selling a lead multiple times, it is the most cost effective way for a lead company to be able to get fresh leads into your hands at a price you can afford. It is only wrong if a lead company does not properly represent what you are purchasing.
Another variable you should keep in mind is that often, when people are looking for an income opportunity online, your prospect may not have just responded to one advertisement or filled out one form requesting information about a home business.
Many times people fill out multiple forms so they can compare different opportunities. You might have 3 different people thinking they have just purchased an "exclusive" lead only to find out later that the same person filled out 3 separate forms which went to 3 different people.
Did you compare different opportunities before you decided your current company was the right fit for you?
Just because you are not the only person contacting a lead, does not mean you will not have success. What it really boils down to is sorting through your lead list looking for the right people for your opportunity.
Not every opportunity if right for everyone. You might have just the opportunity they are looking for and you only spent .20 cents on the same lead that cost someone else who called them a week before you $4.00 or more.
Please use this above link when referring others to Oppseekers. All referrals must go through this link so we may properly credit my account.

Fresh Leads Versus Aged Leads- The Verdict Is Still Out
You are excited! You just started up our networking business and you are ready to launch your business to the world by purchasing a list of leads of people that are hopefully just as excited about a life without financial woes and time freedom as you are and then it hits you... $4.00 a lead. Ouch!
You quickly calculate that it will cost you $400 to hopefully be able to talk to 100 people about your business. Ouch again!
Are these $4.00 leads worth the price? This is where the age-old debate of quality versus quantity begins.
Any industry veteran will tell you, the secret to being successful in networking is not selling people on your opportunity, rather it is sorting through enough people to find those right people for your opportunity. It is quite simple really. The more people you talk to, the more people you will find that are right for your business.
This is especially important when you are first starting out. It takes time, practice, and patience to earn the confidence that will be necessary to increase the number of people that are attracted to you.
Yes, I said attracted to you. Most often a prospect will be willing to join your company because they have connected with you and feel that you are the one that can help them become successful.
However, unless you are natural born leader with an instant knack for the phone, you might have to stumble through a few hundred calls before you get enough practice with your script to come across as confident and comfortable.
So what is the solution? Most likely, these same leads that are being sold for $4.00 as a live lead or phone interviewed lead will be sold again as an aged lead for a fraction of the cost. If you look around you'll see them called aged leads, 7-14 day old, etc. Yes they have been contacted once, twice, or more, before you receive them, however for the fraction of the cost they can fit into anyone's budget.
There are two main things you need to keep in mind:
1) Not every opportunity is right for everyone.
2) Not everyone is as charming as you!
1) Not every opportunity is right for everyone.
2) Not everyone is as charming as you!
Even if other people have called these leads before you, the opportunities they are representing may not have been a right fit for them. Or perhaps they may not have felt comfortable with the other people. When you first chose the company you are with now, did you look around first to see what your options were before joining? Most prospects will often want to evaluate different opportunities before making their life changing decision.
So are $4.00 leads worth it? Absolutely! But only after you are ready for them, so you can make the best of them.
But until then, why not start off with a lead that began as a high quality or premium lead that is aged slightly so that you can purchase substantially more. Remember, it's about finding quality people, and the more people you talk to, the more quickly you will find them. The right people will be receptive to you, whether they filled out a form today, or a week ago.
As you get more experience and practice. Start combining the higher quality or fresher leads with your aged leads to experience both. You will figure out what balance of leads will work best for you and your budget.
Parting Tip: As you get better, your leads will get better, regardless of the age or quality of the lead.
Fresh Leads Versus Aged Leads- The Verdict Is Still Out Your Oppseekers Affiliate Link Please use this above link when referring others to Oppseekers. All referrals must go through this link so we may properly credit my account. |

Thursday, 16 June 2016
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Wednesday, 15 June 2016
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Tuesday, 14 June 2016

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