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Wednesday 23 November 2016

The words of Jesus - Reflections for every Week 8

Put in your hands the keys of knowledge, power, and love for your happiness and venture. Your fault if you do not wish to use. The conditions are always the same principle: namely, to Dare and above all shut up.
These lessons should be prepared for an extensive internal course\comprising 365 weeks or 7 years, requiring a real INITIATION\INTERNAL. Who puts in your hands, the reduced the 365 days, loading, of course, with the responsibilities of the case.
Ye shall know that-I 'M- is the presence of GOD IN EVERY HUMAN. One should never forget this. I am (it) life, light, SUBSTANCE, intelligence and activity (in him we live, we move and there be), unconsciously. The goal of these practices is to prepare ourselves to consciously feel our Union with the father - I 'M GOD INTIMATE.
The man has two "Selves", or is comprised of two entities: the I personally, body, the goal or CARNAL as calls Saint Paul, and that has its own mind; and I 'M, which through its attributes, (the physical body and the mind) have life and can move.
Each time the man says-I 'M- a single substance from which God formed Heaven and Earth, sets in motion. "Light is", and the fluid and vibration if put in motion. Say-I 'M- is working on this light, and its surroundings, about whole nature submissive alteration of intelligence.

I am the DIVINE PRESENCE that illuminates the entire aspirant who wants dedicate himself to live, to discover all wisdom of ages.
His dedication the ecologist an immaculate and character will be strong and sexually Buster their inner beasts.

These teachings hermetic if practice for thousands of years in Egypt, and were revealed, only those worthy of them.

The aspirant must know that he is the only modulator of your world and non-participant formulating the other, through their feelings, thoughts, and deeds. This way, should never forget their duty permanent load the mind, body, the place, the world and all activity with love - I am - and the world itself  three times per day, must practice concentration during five minutes of each time; these times should mute the external or close the door of the room, as teaches Jesus. Should meditate in silence and then call the – I'm the presence of GOD in ACTION-and all constructive desire takes place as by a miracle. Meditation during the five minutes should be as an invocation of mind I'M staff aims to and the assertion WILL BE LIKE the answer I'M invocation.

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