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Sunday, 30 September 2012


If teachers manage  the power of the Divine Flame in his disciples, could teach with a transcendental radiant, during long time without feeling fatigue or exhaustion. If traders rd of mankind.

he Mission of Superman, Be Great, is to intensify the DIVINE FIRE in their peers, not to resist flow I AM GOD AT WORK IN EACH ONE OF THEM, and so vibrate harmonically in unison with the law, until they reach the understanding to answer your called.

This is the Mission of disciple and Salvador. Don't think of yourself and dedicate all their efforts to save others. Don't expect anything from anyone and that is ready to give everything.

Who gives receives. Live with love impersonal affirmations for five or ten minutes each day; before a year you will feel such freedom and well-being in the body, such lighting in mind, such a hit in the work and such power in the thoughts and words you no longer want to do anything other than continue this practice. Because I'M THE FULLNESS OF LOVE AND IN THE FULLNESS OF LOVE ARE ALL THINGS YOU WANT.
We are confident that these seeds we sow today, in the hearts and the minds of men, not be exploited only by five or ten percent of the receive. The other, by simple find them or because they do not cost much money, or not understand them, don't appreciate; but we're the Sowers of Mother Nature, which is in charge of the life and growth of seeds.

All desire, aspiration or longing is a call from the personal to the intimate I Am  is your desire that wants to manifest itself in the external.

When the disciple asks, should understand that the self is what external calls I AM GOD INTIMATE which governs the substance and the energy to its declarator expression.

I am is the powerful and Infinite presence of God in action that has in its power all principles of life and activity in the world and in each of its powerful being. arrives in essence all that is is the Omnipotence of life. Is the Ubiquity of light. IS GOD IN ACTION THAT GOVERNS AND GUIDES THE HUMAN MINDS FOR THRUTH AND JUSTICE.
God is Life and life is love, peace, harmony and well-being. It will not interests who use; It's like the sun which enlightens the good and the bad, the wolf and the lamb.

I am active is life itself, and when a man says-I 'M makes vibrate all power of life and opens the door to your natural flow from telogen and because I am is full God's activity and for this reason, never, ever the disciple must allow your thought will put a negativity to I am or will numb the activity of this life as saying: "I can't", "I'm not annihilated", " I'm happy "etc. ... because with these affirmations voids energy of God that is itself and in their world.



If masters, politicians, priests and other leaders of mankind not want or are unaware of the presence of flame to use it, you have a duty using it for them. You are obliged to convert you in light, their guide and saviour.

You have to keep and fanning, through love and affirmation, this flame, this INEFFABLE LIGHT on them. TThe flame of divine love accelerates vibrations in three bodies, to an extent, that the individual no imperfection can be dense or low, only LOVE DIVINE DATA CAN WORK THIS PRODIGY and exercising the disciple to convert it into master and Saviour of the world.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS THE KINGDOM OF THE FLAME OF LOVE WHICH IN JESUS SPEAKS in his sermon on the mount: "ordered the Kingdom of God and his rectum using" because the Kingdom or the flame of love is all enjoyment, freedom, victory, glory, perfection, beauty, abundance, etc. All these gifts should create them at next to reflect on us and so that the personality is consumed with their fears and their fears.

The conscious use of daily affirmations, for the benefit of next, activates and designs the divine fire with greater ease and thus meet the words of Jesus when told us: "the biggest things you". The flame of God is the source of all power that emanates the heart of God; only by using constant with consciousness and altruism, aspiring kills two robbers of human happiness: the fear and doubt.
Everyone can get to perfection on this earth; but not every human being want to get to it. When man keeps, with enough determination, your attention in I 'M, perfection will manifest in all the experiences of your life. I am manufacturer of magicians, said a daring; However, so as to manufacture gold requires gold, so also to produce Magi, is mister beings with substance Magi.

The sacred fire maintains and accomplishes everything that exists in heaven and on Earth. Is the PRESENCE - I 'M whereby, every human being can express the law DIVINE IN ACTION. One who uses this fire, through conscious affirmation, way around your mind, body, place, world and all subjects, an aura of intense light and receive the blessings that transcend their dearest wishes and gentled dreams.
If doctors and nurses knew this calls handling consumer could act and give help which has no limit, their sick, without being affected or contaminated by these same illnesses.

If teachers manage  the power of the Divine Flame in his disciples, could teach with a transcendental radiant, during long time without feeling fatigue or exhaustion. If traders and merchants to use, would cheating, theft, intrigue and disco

Statements from Yehoshua Ben Pandirah


The flame of divine love accelerates vibrations in three bodies, to an extent, that the individual no imperfection can be dense or low, only LOVE DIVINE DATA CAN WORK THIS PRODIGY and exercising the disciple to convert it into master and Saviour of the world.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS THE KINGDOM OF THE FLAME OF LOVE WHICH IN JESUS SPEAKS in his sermon on the mount: "ordered the Kingdom of God and his rectum using" because the Kingdom or the flame of love is all enjoyment, freedom, victory, glory, perfection, beauty, abundance, etc. All these gifts should create them at next to reflect on us and so that the personality is consumed with their fears and their fears.

The conscious use of daily affirmations, for the benefit of next, activates and designs the divine fire with greater ease and thus meet the words of Jesus when told us: "the biggest things you". The flame of God is the source of all power that emanates the heart of God; only by using constant with consciousness and altruism, aspiring kills two robbers of human happiness: the fear and doubt.
Everyone can get to perfection on this earth; but not every human being want to get to it. When man keeps, with enough determination, your attention in I 'M, perfection will manifest in all the experiences of your life. I am manufacturer of magicians, said a daring; However, so as to manufacture gold requires gold, so also to produce Magi, is mister beings with substance Magi.

The sacred fire maintains and accomplishes everything that exists in heaven and on Earth. Is the PRESENCE - I 'M whereby, every human being can express the law DIVINE IN ACTION. One who uses this fire, through conscious affirmation, way around your mind, body, place, world and all subjects, an aura of intense light and receive the blessings that transcend their dearest wishes and gentled dreams.
If doctors and nurses knew this calls handling consumer could act and give help which has no limit, their sick, without being affected or contaminated by these same illnesses.

If teachers manage  the power of the Divine Flame in his disciples, could teach with a transcendental radiant, during long time without feeling fatigue or exhaustion. If traders and merchants to use, would cheating, theft, intrigue and discord of mankind.


1st Think the ruler is a righteous man, straight, honourable and who was elected by deserving to lead wisely the nation. Even though it doesn't have these virtues and that isn't practising their duties, should the aspiring open channels with the light I then ruler, and awaken him these virtues and strengthen it in compliance with their duties.

2nd Practice respiratory exercise described previously, and exhale should affirm.

3th The statement will be: "I'M HIT, JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS RULER”

This way, the disciple becomes the Saviour of the world and not as some believe that through revolution and bloodshed, can improve situation.

We were taught that when a man says, with purity - I 'M - designs a kind of colour violet fire that consumes and dissolves all creation of discordant your aura.

Is the flame of Shrub Horeb, the flame of PURE DIVINE LOVE that is waiting feeling and thinking man to become dynamic action, your mind, body and aura and to clean it every imperfection, and so I'M You can pour through him, light, love and power without numbness.

Every man drags a balance of errors through its long existence in world. With thoughts and evocations dissenting, he created, in the atmosphere that surrounds, harmful ways, horrible and unpleasant that act according to his sources or varying nature of vibrations; but on the other hand, I M GOD IN ACTION emanates always fire and all impurity and malignant forms created by man and is the man whoever touches apply the flame of DIVINE LOVE to destroy I as consume all their own creations and purify the mind, body, and your world. THIS IS FORGIVENESS OF SINS. This is the release of all limitations and imperfections.

Each individual should purify their own creations through love to their peers. Nobody can save alone, because to save themselves, must save others with him. Nobody can escape THE LAW OF LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Useless are churches, prayers, religion and schools, without this law.



To have a healthy body, it is necessary to practice the following particulars which may help a lot.
When you wake up, practice some breathing exercises, at least seven times, and consisting of rhythmic do 7 inspirations with greater purity of thought.
Any exercise is good, but we indicate the simpler and less harmful.
Aspire slowly through your nose counting up to eight palpitations of mentally own heart, or eight seconds.

Hold breath during four seconds in the lungs.

Exhale the air for eight seconds to empty your lungs completely.

Retain the lungs empty for four seconds.

If you can practice this exercise more than seven time, is better.

After breathing exercises, it is very recommended practice other Swedish gymnastics exercises for four to five minutes, to conserve flexibility of the spine. After these exercises, you can start with the affirmation of each day as will be explained later.

It is necessary to frequently bathe without punishing your body with water too hot or very cold. The sunbathing in the body, less on the head, are very useful.
Cure constipation. To this end, take half on half hour 30 grams pure water, namely a tablespoon. Make use of plenty of fresh fruit, and wash the intestines with a "cluster" of warm water at least once a week, until normalize digestion.

Is allowed to eat and drink all, employing common sense: use and not abuse.

Mental health and peace of conscience are very necessary for the acquisition of health of the body. Sex has to be handled with caution. The vices solitary and unnatural Auric certain wrapper open in crevices where to penetrate the elements below which, often, give passing certain elements (called spirits), to give vent to their passions and desires. These addictions and lust renders the action-I'm in your body-Temple.

The aspirant should never criticize or judging others.

You need to chew food enough. Each type has to fetch the Food and life more suited to your temperament. The physical type, characterised breadth wise and robustness of Mandibles, must monitor the movement of the stomach, liver and intestines; the mental type of lungs; and the spiritual shall invigorate the sexual organs with deep breaths and genital baths with fresh water.

The pursuit of daily statement consists of sit in upright position and interlacing the fingers with the pulp of thumbs leaning against one another.
Afterwards put the desire and aspire to get it with a lot of clarity, decision and certainty; soon inspiration, slowly through your nose, to fill the lungs, retain the breath as long possible but not tire you out even. It is very beneficial during this retention, pray to OUR FATHER, as teaches THE MASTER in the Gospel and meditate on the meaning of each sentence, as we explain in our book "the magic of the verb", directing each request a magnetic body centre.


Put in your hands the keys of knowledge, power and love for your happiness and venture. Your fault if you do not wish to use. The conditions are always the same principle: namely, to Dare and above all shut up.

These lessons should be prepared for an extensive internal course\comprising 365 weeks or 7 years, requiring a real INITIATION\INTERNAL. Who puts in your hands, the reduced the 365 days, loading, of course, with the responsibilities of the case.
Ye shall know that-I 'M- is the presence of GOD IN EVERY HUMAN. One should never forget this. I am (it) life, light, SUBSTANCE, intelligence and activity (in him we live, we move and there be), unconsciously. The goal of these practices is to prepare ourselves to consciously feel our Union with the father - I 'M GOD INTIMATE.
The man has two "Selves", or is comprised of two entities: the I personally, body, the goal or CARNAL as calls Saint Paul, and that has its own mind; and I 'M, which through its attributes, (the physical body and the mind) have life and can move.
Each time the man says-I 'M- a single substance from which God formed Heaven and Earth, sets in motion. "Light is", and the fluid and vibration if put in motion. Say-I 'M- is working on this light, and its surroundings, about whole nature submissive alteration of intelligence.
Not all who call me "Sir! Lord! are saved, but only the fulfilling the will of the father who sent me. " So too, not only is sufficient invoke the presence-I am-and sit back, waiting for applications to be serviced by work and grace, or that someone always make for us; Unlike, should be good children, good parents, good spouses, good friends and good citizens, and in each of these posts there are many duties to full fill. For the perfect realization is mister fulfil certain conditions:

1-Have a healthy body;

2-Have a pure aspiration;

3-A perfect have a conscience.


From the book. Sacred Texts; THE BOOK GNOSTIC GOSPELS. (Alan Jacobs and Introduction by Revd Dr Vrej N. Nersessian)

A unique revelation by a mysterious Female Deity, stressing the importance of the essential ''I am-ness''. Also known as the ''Perfect Mind'', it contains parallels with ancient Indian literature which refers to the I AM form.

I have issued from a Great Power and visit all who contemplate me; I have discovered by those  who search diligently.

Pay attention those that meditate upon me, and listen well!
All of you who are patiently waiting, take me to your Self!

Don't dismiss me from your mind and don't let your inner voices despise me; don't forget me at any time or place; be watchful!

I am the first and the last, I am both respect and ignored, I am both harlot and holy.

I am wife and virgin, mother and daughter, organs of my mother, barren, yet many are my sons.

I am She whose marriage is auspicious, but I am husband less.

I am the midwife who doesn't carry the balm of birth pains. I am bride and groom sired by spouse; I am mother of my father, sister of my husband, and he's my son.

I am slave of He who anointed me, I am ruler of my children, but He is the One from whom I was born. He shall be my Son in time; my strength is from Him!

I am the rod of His potency in His youthful virility, and He is the staff of my old age. Whatever He wills, happens.

I am the unfathomable silence and the thought that comes often, the voice of many sounds, and the word that appears frequently.

I am the meaning of my Name. Why am I despised? Do you love me and hate those who love me too?

If you deny me then admit me, You who pretend to tell the truth about me, really lie.

Yet you who've lied about me also tell the Truth. If you know me, forget me, and those who don't know me, let them know!

I am knowledge and ignorance. I am embarrassment and effrontery, shameless and ashamed. I am courage and fright.

I am war and peace. Listen! I am disgraced yet almighty.

Notice my poverty and richness. Don't be unkind to me when I'm thrown out upon the ground.

You'll find me hidden in those yet to come; don't peer at me when I'm on the dung heap.

Don't desert me or cast me out; you'll find me in the Kingdom.

Don't gaze at me when I'm ejected in disgrace, nor mock me.

Don't hurl me amongst those who are slain violently. I am merciful and cruel.

Be vigilant! Don't despise my servitude. Don't admire my self-control; don't forsake me in my ineptitude.

Never fear my power; don't hate my timidity or pour scorn on my arrogance.

I am She who dwells in all terror , the strength and the trembling.

I am  She who is pathetic and pleased in a pleasant place. I am stupid and I am wise.

Why do you despise me in your councils? I'll be quiet among the quiet.

I shall manifest and speak, yet why do Greeks hate me? I am a Philistine among Philistines, yet have the wisdom of Athens and craftiness of the barbarians.

My image is great in ancient Egypt, but is nothing amongst Philistines.

I've been hated everywhere, but also adored. I am that which people call life and you call death.

I am called the law and lawlessness. I am the hunted and captured.

I am the dispersed and the collected. I don't keep festivals, but have many feasts.

I am both godless and She who knows God is Great! I am the One you've contemplated and mocked.

I am ignorant, yet I teach. I am despised, yet admired.

I am the One who conceals and then reveals her Self.

But when you conceal your Self, I shall appear.

When you appear I'll hide. Hold me to your Self from comprehension and regret.

Take me to your Self in ugly and ruined places. Rob those who are good, even in their ugliness.

Ashamed, take me to your Self shamelessly; scold my organs in yourself.

Advance, all that know me and my organs; establish high creatures amongst the lowly.

March onto childhood; don't hate that state because it appears tiny. Don't reject greatness in smallness.

My nature is peace, but war comes from me.

I am an exile and a subject; I am substance and unsubstantial.

Those who do not cling to me are ignoramuses, but those who dwell in my substance know me.

Those who are close don't know me. When you are near, I'm distant.

On the day you're distant I am close. I am within, in your heart; I am your true nature, the creativity of your Self.




The Law Of The Triangle and its application

All that existed , exists and existed , and governed by ternary because the ternary unites the elements that mother-nature has opposed to it , complementing each other , they combine their virtues and give rise to what does not exist. In the beginning of time , so there was a unit in the ineffable but , since then , in His Thought , God had designed the multiplicity . 

Through His Word He projected at infinity the Primordial Substance , and one found the two, the mirror that he sought . After the Primordial Substance received the Breath of the Divine Essence , and, behold, and from the Fiat Lux the three came , and with it all forms of life. And the man and own one of the multiple reflections of the ternary because your Soul and anything else that a segment of the Divine Essence and your body a fragment of Primordial Substance . 

And because he and soul and body , One and Two , and a being alive and conscious , in matter manifesting the third point of a Spiritual Triangle . And as this also at the point where unite the microcosm and the macrocosm , is in the centre of a circle , the Universal Circle, which limits the two triangles , the first returned to Heaven and all is perfect material manifestation , where the phenomenon of electricity is a good example of this particular law of The Triangle and the second toward the earth, it represents the entire scheme perfect spiritual manifestation . Therefore, this vertex and face down . We apply this symbolism to the thought process as we watched it clear the interference that occurs in the brain between the energy vibrations Spirit and the Soul ; the first has negative predominance and the second has the positive predominance . The figure is a representation of Universal Creation , or the union of all material and spiritual manifestations . 

 "Whatever you decide to do , makes it immediately . Don't leave for later what that you can accomplish in the morning ." To all of You I trust. The Law of the Triangle is universal and applies to everything that exists , both in material terms and in the spirit . It is based on the fact that no perfect and complete manifestation can be produced not two opposite conditions of nature are met . When One and Two are present , they attract each other and their union follows the three , i.e. , a third condition that , in itself , the point of manifestation of the triangle thus formed . 

The popular idea that "everything is manifested in three " illustrates the Law of the Triangle , because when two opposite conditions they face , their union produces necessarily, if no internal or external agent objects. Before you surrender to any venture, you must always outlines it in the form of a triangle and pin down with any precision the two conditions that we bring together , to give the expected result. In The Tradition a triangle whose tip is facing up is a perfect material manifestation. A triangle with a vertex facing down symbolizes a perfect spiritual manifestation. When these two triangles are interlaced, evoke the union of the spiritual and material worlds with all the manifestations that are peculiar to him.

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Apple iPad 2 WiFi 64GB (Auction ID: 194304, End Time : 28 Oct. 2012 18:50:58) - LovelyJubbly