If teachers manage the power of the Divine Flame in his disciples, could teach with a transcendental radiant, during long time without feeling fatigue or exhaustion. If traders rd of mankind.
he Mission of Superman, Be Great, is to intensify the DIVINE FIRE in their peers, not to resist flow I AM GOD AT WORK IN EACH ONE OF THEM, and so vibrate harmonically in unison with the law, until they reach the understanding to answer your called.
This is the Mission of disciple and Salvador. Don't think of yourself and dedicate all their efforts to save others. Don't expect anything from anyone and that is ready to give everything.
Who gives receives. Live with love impersonal affirmations for five or ten minutes each day; before a year you will feel such freedom and well-being in the body, such lighting in mind, such a hit in the work and such power in the thoughts and words you no longer want to do anything other than continue this practice. Because I'M THE FULLNESS OF LOVE AND IN THE FULLNESS OF LOVE ARE ALL THINGS YOU WANT.
We are confident that these seeds we sow today, in the hearts and the minds of men, not be exploited only by five or ten percent of the receive. The other, by simple find them or because they do not cost much money, or not understand them, don't appreciate; but we're the Sowers of Mother Nature, which is in charge of the life and growth of seeds.
All desire, aspiration or longing is a call from the personal to the intimate I Am is your desire that wants to manifest itself in the external.
When the disciple asks, should understand that the self is what external calls I AM GOD INTIMATE which governs the substance and the energy to its declarator expression.
I am is the powerful and Infinite presence of God in action that has in its power all principles of life and activity in the world and in each of its powerful being. arrives in essence all that is is the Omnipotence of life. Is the Ubiquity of light. IS GOD IN ACTION THAT GOVERNS AND GUIDES THE HUMAN MINDS FOR THRUTH AND JUSTICE.
God is Life and life is love, peace, harmony and well-being. It will not interests who use; It's like the sun which enlightens the good and the bad, the wolf and the lamb.
I am active is life itself, and when a man says-I 'M makes vibrate all power of life and opens the door to your natural flow from telogen and because I am is full God's activity and for this reason, never, ever the disciple must allow your thought will put a negativity to I am or will numb the activity of this life as saying: "I can't", "I'm not annihilated", " I'm happy "etc. ... because with these affirmations voids energy of God that is itself and in their world.